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電影隔離2015豆瓣 2025-03-17 13:49:03
免費高清美女古裝電影 2025-03-17 13:40:45
穿越時空日本電影 2025-03-17 13:40:00


發布時間: 2021-05-23 11:19:28

① 柯爾克孜族最新電影


② 法語英文名

Who Can Use a Temporary Visitor Visa
A Temporary Visitor Visa is for those who intend to stay in Japan for 90 days or less for such purposes as follows:
Sightseeing; sports; visiting relatives, friends, or acquaintances; visiting a sick person; attending a wedding or funeral ceremony; participating in athletic tournaments; contests etc. as an amateur; business purposes (such as market research, business liaison, business consultation, signing a contract, or providing after-sale service for imported machinery); inspecting or visiting plants, trade fairs etc.; attending lectures, explanatory meetings etc.; academic surveys or research presentations; religious pilgrimages or visits; friendship visits to sister cities, sister schools etc.; or other similar activities ring a short period of stay in Japan.

Persons planning to travel to Japan for a different purpose, such as students, workers, journalists, entertainers, attorneys (taking depositions), etc., must apply for a different visa in the appropriate category.

Visa Exemption
U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries which have a reciprocal visa exemption arrangement with Japan may be eligible to visit Japan without a visa for a short-term stay for the activities allowed to Temporary Visitors. For more information about reciprocal visa exemption arrangements, please click here.


* March 11, 2005 ~
Taiwan/Republic of China passport holders
(Note: Your ID # must appear on your passport. If your ID # does not appear on your passport, please obtain an ID # from The Taiwan Consular Services/Taipei Economic And Cultural Office)
* (March 1, 2005 ~ February 28, 2006) March1, 2006 ~
Republic of Korea passport holders
Please be aware that we will decline applications that have incomplete documents. Each Temporary Visitor Visa applicant must submit the following documents:
You must submit an original and a photo of your evidence.

An application form completed and signed. In some cases, two forms will be necessary. Blank forms are available at Japanese consular offices. You can also download by clicking on blank forms in PDF format. Chinese and Korean citizens must write their names in Chinese characters, as well as in Roman letters.

The application form must be filled out completely. For example, if the applicant has no criminal record, please write "none" on the appropriate line.
An applicant with an attest or criminal record must provide a of his/her court and/or arrest record (including cases that ended with an acquittal or pardon), along with an English translation of those documents if they are in any language other than English. In the event that there was no trial, please bring a letter that explains in detail, the circumstances surrounding the arrest.

Valid passport with sufficient space for a visa (at least one full empty visa page). If you submit a PERMIT TO REENTER THE UNITED STATES or a REFUGEE TRAVEL DOCUMENT issued by the U.S. government, it must have a validity date at least six months beyond the date of visa application.

A 2-inch square photograph taken within six months of application attached to the application form. NOTE: GLUE ONLY, please do not staple or tape.

Green Card or valid I-94 and U.S. resident visa to re-enter the United States (F or J visa holder must show an I-20 or DS-2019(formerly IAP-66) with the valid signature of an appropriate official in order for re-entry). If you will be entering a third country after leaving Japan, you must show a valid visa to enter that country (or a national passport of that country).

Actual ticket (original plus of all pages), or a record of the reservation with flight itinerary printed on official stationary of the airline company or a reliable travel agency, showing travel to and from Japan, including dates and flight numbers (a fax, e-mail, or page printed from a website will not be accepted: we may be able to accept a page printed from a website if the page can be used directly at the airline counter as an e-ticket.)
* Please Note: We are not responsible for tickets, which are unusable e to delay or denial of visa.

If traveling for BUSINESS, original letter from applicant』s company signed by an authorized executive officer, on company letterhead, stating:
a) applicant』s position in the company
b) ration of employment
c) nature/purpose of visit in detail
d) dates/ration of stay intended
e) contact person, company name, address and phone number of business contact in Japan
f) guarantee of financial support ring applicant』s stay in Japan and return transportation from Japan

In addition to the above, material such as copies of the company's registration, annual report, booklets, and brochures, which outline the history and activities of the company will be required if the company is not known by this Consulate General of Japan in New York. In this case, a letter of invitation from the hosting company in Japan may be needed as well as copies of its registration, annual report, booklets and brochures.

If going to attend a CONFERENCE, conference brochures plus a paid registration form and invitation will be required. In addition, a letter from the home institution/company giving the circumstances of the trip as in 6.a ) ~ 6.f ) from the visa applicant』s home institution/company, plus the applicant』s financial resources such as listed on 8.a) and b) will be required.

If going for TOURISM, or to VISIT FRIENDS or RELATIVES, proof is required that the applicant has financial resources to stay in Japan for the given period. This may include (but is not limited to):

a) 3 most recent monthly bank statements (complete originals plus copies of all pages)
b) most recent federal tax return (taxpayer's plus additional )
c) a letter from the applicant's employer, directed to this Consulate, noting salary, length of employment, position, and dates of vacation (for the owner of a small business, please submit business license or certificate and annual report)
d) a detailed day by day itinerary of stay in Japan
e) The applicant's resume or C.V.

In addition to the documents listed in 8.a - 8.e, to visit friends or relatives, materials such as an invitation letter and a guarantee letter, the guarantor's employment certificate (for a business owner, we need the business license certificate and corporate registration) , tax report and certificate resident (juminhyo) may be required for many cases. Plus, for non-Japanese friends or relatives, a of his/her Alien Registration Certificate and a of his/her passport will be required.

*For those visiting relatives -> a proof of the relationship (e.g. birth certificate)

You can print out the sample forms by clicking below:

( Download PDF Files)
Letter of Invitation (English) Letter of Guarantee (English)
Letter of Invitation (Japanese) Letter of Guarantee (Japanese)

* Applicants must demonstrate that they meet the requirements to be classified as a Temporary Visitor. It is impossible to specify the exact evidence you will need as applicants' circumstances vary greatly. Check with the Consulate to see if additional documents may be needed in your case.

Applicants Who Need Additional Evidence
Applicants for a Temporary Visitor Visa who have a national passport of the countries listed below are required to submit additional evidence made by an interested person (Guarantor) in Japan. However, this may not apply to applicants (and their spouse and minor children) who have:
--Legal U.S. permanent residency (Green Card); or
--Legal status (U.S. visa) which allows the applicant to work in the U.S. for more than one year (excluding F and J visas) and evidence which shows the applicant has a socially and financially stable status in the U.S. (a certificate of employment, a bank statement etc.) Also, this may not apply to students or researchers of the nationality of the list A and B below who can prove that they belong to an ecational or academic institute in the U.S. and the purpose of visiting Japan is attending an academic meeting or conference.

Armenia, Azerjan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
People's Republic of China
Visa Fees
Visa fees are determined according to reciprocal arrangements between Japan and the country of the applicant's nationality. Click here for Visa Fees.

Processing Time
The time to process an application for a Temporary Visitor Visa depends on the applicant's circumstances. In most cases, it takes four to seven working days if the documentation is in order. There are some cases; however, in which a few weeks or more are needed to process an application.

Applications by mail will be accepted only from applicants who reside outside New York City. A U.S. Express Mail self-addressed stamped envelope with completed express mailing label and the postage must be enclosed for returning your visa & passport. We do not use FedEx, UPS or other third party mail services for returning passports. All applications by mail should include a Release of Liability Form, as per the sample posted on our website below. Applicants should be aware that the Consulate does not bear any responsibility for the delay or loss of envelopes, or passports by the U.S. Postal Service. In some cases, additional documents or personal appearance by the applicant may be required.

③ 最新網路歌曲



怎麼辦 我愛你-vce(本兮)
距離(for u)-cindy


丘比特-戚薇 袁成傑
戴上我的愛-潘瑋柏 王珞丹
我想更懂你-蘇芮 潘瑋柏
半生熟-黃品冠 戴佩妮(超喜歡喔)


女人如煙 魏佳藝

你身邊的人曾經是我 張冬玲

一個人唱歌的時候 伍思凱

用一生愛你夠不夠 鄺美雲

愛一萬次夠不夠 林子路

一個人勇敢 卓文萱

初戀滋味 倪睿思

獨白情歌 網路歌手

滿街都是寂寞的朋友 王梓(寂寞時聽起來更寂寞)

安靜了 S.H.E

女生 黑Girl

可愛滴 岳夏

分隔雙魚 賴偉鋒(喜歡的一首)

替代品 綉峰 (很喜歡的一首)

誰說我不在乎你 A-SHOW(特別的模仿)

偏愛 張芸京(很多人都在聽)

無雙譜 方力申

別人 小鳴

身騎白馬 徐佳瑩
為了遇見你 胡瑤
七月 江映蓉(快樂女生)
學會 王菀之、
你看得見嗎 鍾欣桐
女生 黑Girl
我不怕輸 女生宿舍
沒有你的下雪天 希婕
借我一點幸福 dior(蠻好聽的)
你別怪我 馬郁

沒有情人節 徐婕兒
封殺我的愛 羅永娟
Better Man 林憶蓮
只要你快樂 汪佩蓉(很喜歡的一首)
女人心事 陶晶瑩
雪地 張惠妹 ­(很多人沒聽過她的這首歌)

毀滅愛情 林冠吟

最痛的感情 雲開

今天還是明天 郭頂 (挺有感覺的)

有沒有這樣的哭泣沒有眼淚 未知

我經歷了你們不曾經歷過的愛情 魏佳藝

可以勇敢可以溫柔 林慧萍

喜歡 胡楊林

愛一點 莫艷琳

狠狠哭 郭采潔

路過愛 東來東往

安全 閆安

做你的天 李玖哲


So far away(和JS組合的女聲陳綺萱合唱的)
May I love you(she也翻唱過,<Yes,I love you>曲調一樣,歌詞不同) ­

④ 上海主持人張芳資料

現居:陝西-延安-延長縣 家鄉:陝西-延安-延川縣 在-西北大學-就讀 生日:03月10號 雙魚座 血型:O型 愛好:雙排球、籃球、戶外運動類等感興趣。 性別:女 姓名:張芳

⑤ 用英語介紹一部電影名字是(犬夜叉)

Girls from a shrine at the end戈薇, is the most common of the three students. 15-year-old birthday at home in time to travel to well over 500 years ago, the Warring States Period, where and seal a semi-demon - Inuyasha encounters a. Inuyasha, as far as he is to be able to achieve all the ambitions of power of the demon soul want to get four of jade as a complete monster. However, do not know what the戈薇, the seal Inuyasha solved. Then, shoot the arrow hit戈薇four soul of jade, jade four soul of debris flying into the.
Even if only fragments of the monster also has a strong power of the four-yu soul can not fall into the hands of evil monsters are. Initially can not stand戈薇willful gross Inuyasha, but Inuyasha never will be in understanding the character of the weak ignored, the time had a favorable impression of Inuyasha. Soon, small狐妖Qibao, poor Master Maitreya, monsters rule the division back corals and their companions have joined mica, Inuyasha their soul to the four pieces of jade and fighting groups of monsters who journey began.
Abnormal phantom power issue, "the sum of no return." Kikyo felt, Kyrgyzstan does not matter what happened should be feeling. Yuan Kou time to Japan from the mainland east of the monster army was dominated by Kansai of Inuyasha's father, to repel, and seal in the forest. However, burdened with the怨念family, the son of the head of agate pill finally revived. The beginning, the use of a two girl monster glass and glass, they went to a nearby Inuyasha. Glass replica of the Maitreya temple wind, dominated the mica glass heart. However, the goal of agate pill is not the soul of the four fragments of jade, but the remains of Inuyasha's father -妖刀iron teeth broken. In order to use that strength to evolve into more powerful monsters.

After a long period of time 200 years to the pill Inuyasha agate revenge. That energy into a powerful force, and its strong negative attacks Inuyasha the dying of the injuries. Wind Point has been taken of Maitreya, the coral has been mica attack was combined with strong fetters of companions shaking. Have been pursued against the wall, in front of the agate sorcery pills want to kill the戈薇Inuyasha, Kikyo cold cautioned: "Back to the times you go" ... ... "Do not be a good-bye Inuyasha"

Warring States period and modern --

Was to drive a wedge between Inuyasha and the戈薇.

No way out of crisis, it will be a miracle?

⑥ 適合孩子打架子鼓的歌曲,多多益善!

1. black eyed peas - boom boom pow <黑眼豆豆力作,繼承他們一貫的風格> 2. black eyed peas – my humps <黑眼豆豆力作,繼承他們一貫的風格> 3. darin zanyar - b what u wanna b <最近飛速躥紅的曲子,大街小巷隨處可見> 4. linkin park – numb <最愛的林肯公園所作,游戲CS的主題曲> 5. Lady Gaga - Just Dance <快歌,舞曲風格類,又一歐美女星> 6. aqua - around the world <輕快,有點搖滾> 7. abba - dancing queen <上世紀70年代有名的曲子,現今仍紅靡,> 8. shania twain - i'm gonna getcha good<女子獨唱,很好聽> 9. i could be the one <很乾凈的女聲,值得一聽> 10.fantasy <百老匯歌曲,慢搖,超贊> 11. bangles - eternal flame <《love shuffle》主題曲,慢歌抒情,女子獨唱> 12. s - des maux mal soign <法語,女子獨唱,絕對好聽> 13. jtl - a better day <快歌,男女合唱,韓語?> 14. eminem、阿姆 – stan <說唱樂,男RAP,女高潮> 15. emilie simon - chanson de toile <女子獨唱,女聲很空靈,很贊> 16. groove coverage - far away from home<由美國的」超女」冠軍演唱,實力派> 17. Mariah Carey – Hero <慢歌,很安靜> 18. aviation - you were my everything<絕對推薦,男子說唱,歌手的來歷很特別,不好聽我撞牆> 19. candee - ein kleines lied <有dj版的,一群小女孩演唱> 20. walking in the sun <勁舞團歌曲,勁爆dj> 21. 邁克爾.傑克遜 - you are not alone<說到歐美,不得不說邁克爾.傑克遜.我個人認為他的這首最贊> 22. linkin park - in the end <說唱樂,加上主唱的聲音,給人震撼一擊> 23. T.A.T.U - Loves Me Not <俄羅斯雙胞女演唱,據說彼此是同性戀,聲音很好聽> 24. tatu - all the things she said <貌似《絕對計劃》的主題曲就是根據這首歌翻唱的,哈,還是原唱好聽> 25. Coldplay - Viva La Vida <酷玩樂隊的歌,還算不錯,> 26. linkin park - new divide <哈,再來一首林肯公園的,還是很好聽內> 27. groove coverage - holy virgin <一向走舞曲風的組合,有點ROCK感覺> 28. avril lavigne - sk8er boi< <沒聽過艾薇兒的滾回家,加拿大女歌手,超喜歡這首,講述一個很有趣的故事> 29. vitas – 歌劇 <神啊,高音太贊了,據說他還可以模仿女聲,唱的酒店的燈都碎了> 30. 歌舞青春 - because you live <不說了,沒看過歌舞青春你就真的OUT了> 31. black eyed peas - shut up <還是黑眼豆豆,個人最喜歡這首> 32. the beatles – yesterday <甲殼蟲的這首都不知道,找個畫圈圈吧> 33. dana winner - moomlight shadow<有點殤的曲子,是紀念甲殼蟲主唱被槍殺所作> 34. The rain – Samira <此歌是翻唱版本,但比原唱好聽,因為加上了現代電子樂,屬於慢搖> 35. Altynai (Kyrgyz mix) - Nurbek feat. Dia<旋律簡潔、很抒情.是來自吉爾吉斯斯坦的歌曲.歌詞前半段是柯爾克孜語、後半段是俄語> 日本: 1. 火影忍者 - 青鳥 <很有爆發力的聲音,火影迷不可錯過的曲子> 2. 火影忍者 – Wind <有點鄉村音樂的感覺,前奏超好聽的> 3. 高達seed - 焰之扉 <略帶憂傷,但聽了又很有希望的曲子> 4. 高達seed - 深海的孤獨 <憂傷類歌曲> 5. 吸血鬼騎士 - still doll <女歌手聲音很空洞,像斷了線的玩偶> 6. 吸血鬼騎士 - 暗紅色之罪 <男子雙唱,超贊的> 7. 鋼之煉金術師 - 蜂花 <男子單唱,很有沖破力的聲音> 8. 鋼之煉金術師 - 門的對面 <旋律很贊,我經常哼> 9. 鋼之煉金術師 – again <最近迷的曲子> 10. 黑執事 - 黑白之吻 <男子獨唱,很有感覺> 11. 東之伊甸 - falling down <英國搖滾樂隊OASIS演唱> 12. 吸血姬美夕 - 美夕八千夜<略帶蠱惑的旋律> 13. 死亡筆記 - Death Note <搖滾樂隊嗆紅辣椒演唱> 14. 棋魂 - i will be the one <超贊,百聽不厭> 15. 死神 - thank you<我也不知道屬於那種風格,反正很好聽就是了> 16. 死神 - life is like a boat<很勵志的慢歌,難過的時候聽這首總讓想起很多> 17 網球王子 – fly high and sky high<勵志歌,個人覺得是網王里最好聽的> 18. 網球王子 - make you free<這首也很好聽.男女合唱> 19. 網球王子 - Driving Myself<嘿嘿,這首也很贊> 20. 三眼神童 - のブ メラン<小時候看的動畫片,到現在還是很懷念這個旋律> ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ (動漫類) 1龜梨和也,山下智久 - 青春amigo <《野豬大改造》主題曲,舞曲.MV很贊喲!> 2 Westlife - To Be With You <曾是《嫂子19歲》主題曲,輕快風> 3 大冢愛 – peach <《花樣少男少女》主題曲,很陽光很健康的旋律> 4 倉木麻衣、孫燕姿 - tonight i feel close to you <兩地女星合作演唱.還不錯> 5 smile again <《豬豬教室》的插曲,日本某小學小孩子的畢業歌.很鼓勵人> 6金雅中 – maliya <電影《醜女大翻身》的插曲,音很高,但很好聽> 7. hey!say!jump - 真夜中のシャド ボ<也是傑尼斯家族旗下的組合,《廢物老師》的片尾曲> 8七公主 - 牛奶歌 <厄,一首很可愛的歌.看人而定喜不喜歡> 9初音ミク - 甩蔥歌 <厄,初音最有名的一首歌,> 10Never say goodbye <《My girl》的插曲,別說你不知道喲> 內地港台: (推介一些有感覺的歌) 1. 南拳媽媽 - 小時候 <歌詞讓我想起自己的小時候,呵> 2. 張傑 – 天下 <網路游戲《天下2》的主題曲,歌詞講述的莫過於愛美人不愛江山> 3. 王若琳 - I Love You <很經典的情歌,聽著很有感覺> 4. 光光, cK - 飛向別人的床<厄,未成年的別亂聽,歌詞有點,,,> 5. 五月天 - 夜訪吸血鬼 <很喜歡吸血鬼,這首歌唱出了吸血鬼的無奈與悲傷> 6. 范逸臣 - 無樂不作 <電影《海角七號》的插曲,哈,我坐車的時候老愛哼這首> 7. 鍾麗緹 - 好姐妹 <《我的青春誰做主》的片尾曲,聽過沒> 8. 蔡旻佑 - 我可以 <《轉角遇到愛》的插曲,很好的描述了戀愛心情> 9. 范瑋琪 - 一個像夏天一個像秋天<哈,寫的太像我和現在死黨的認識和感覺了> 10. 南拳媽媽 - 下雨天 <南拳媽媽新來女成員的獨唱,聲音狠空洞又帶點女孩的甜> 11. 李雅微 - 我們的紀念 <都點沙啞的聲音,是《放養的星星》的插曲> 12. 張棟梁 - 小烏龜 <《微笑PASTA》的插曲.伴奏是淺淺的吉他,狠情歌> 13. 後弦 - 夏天的味道 <狠歡快陽光的旋律,歌詞也很有趣> 14. 溫嵐 - Say U Love Me <《惡作劇之吻》的片頭曲,溫嵐聲音好甜啊> 15. 許嵩 - 壞孩子 <許嵩那麼多歌我最喜歡這首,貌似是屬於輕音樂> 16. 蔡琴 - 被遺忘的時光 <一聽這首歌我就想起老上海的小巷,歲月沉澱的記憶> 17. 周傑倫 - 止戰之殤 <還是覺得JAY的第一張專輯最好聽,之後的都無法超越,其中尤喜歡這首> 18. 周傑倫 - 最後的戰役 <也是選自他的第一張同名專輯,描寫戰爭的無奈與凄涼> 19. 趙又廷 - 無賴正義 <《痞子英雄》主題曲,可能是看了電視劇的關系,對這首歌很難忘> 20. mc hotdog、侯佩岑、張震岳 - 就讓這首歌<很贊的說唱,最喜歡最後侯佩岑的那段,事實上之前不怎麼喜歡這個人,現在好多了> 21. 生命要繼續-- 黃崇旭 只要孩子自己喜歡 這些都可以!

⑦ 劉德華拍過幾部電影,他哪首歌曲最為經典

歐美: 1. black eyed peas - boom boom pow <黑眼豆豆力作,繼承他們一貫的風格> 2. black eyed peas – my humps <黑眼豆豆力作,繼承他們一貫的風格> 3. darin zanyar - b what u wanna b <最近飛速躥紅的曲子,大街小巷隨處可見> 4. linkin park – numb <最愛的林肯公園所作,游戲CS的主題曲> 5. Lady Gaga - Just Dance <快歌,舞曲風格類,又一歐美女星> 6. aqua - around the world <輕快,有點搖滾> 7. abba - dancing queen <上世紀70年代有名的曲子,現今仍紅靡,> 8. shania twain - i'm gonna getcha good<女子獨唱,很好聽> 9. i could be the one <很乾凈的女聲,值得一聽> 10.fantasy <百老匯歌曲,慢搖,超贊> 11. bangles - eternal flame <《love shuffle》主題曲,慢歌抒情,女子獨唱> 12. s - des maux mal soign <法語,女子獨唱,絕對好聽> 13. jtl - a better day <快歌,男女合唱,韓語?> 14. eminem、阿姆 – stan <說唱樂,男RAP,女高潮> 15. emilie simon - chanson de toile <女子獨唱,女聲很空靈,很贊> 16. groove coverage - far away from home<由美國的」超女」冠軍演唱,實力派> 17. Mariah Carey – Hero <慢歌,很安靜> 18. aviation - you were my everything<絕對推薦,男子說唱,歌手的來歷很特別,不好聽我撞牆> 19. candee - ein kleines lied <有dj版的,一群小女孩演唱> 20. walking in the sun <勁舞團歌曲,勁爆dj> 21. 邁克爾.傑克遜 - you are not alone<說到歐美,不得不說邁克爾.傑克遜.我個人認為他的這首最贊> 22. linkin park - in the end <說唱樂,加上主唱的聲音,給人震撼一擊> 23. T.A.T.U - Loves Me Not <俄羅斯雙胞女演唱,據說彼此是同性戀,聲音很好聽> 24. tatu - all the things she said <貌似《絕對計劃》的主題曲就是根據這首歌翻唱的,哈,還是原唱好聽> 25. Coldplay - Viva La Vida <酷玩樂隊的歌,還算不錯,> 26. linkin park - new divide <哈,再來一首林肯公園的,還是很好聽內> 27. groove coverage - holy virgin <一向走舞曲風的組合,有點ROCK感覺> 28. avril lavigne - sk8er boi< <沒聽過艾薇兒的滾回家,加拿大女歌手,超喜歡這首,講述一個很有趣的故事> 29. vitas – 歌劇 <神啊,高音太贊了,據說他還可以模仿女聲,唱的酒店的燈都碎了> 30. 歌舞青春 - because you live <不說了,沒看過歌舞青春你就真的OUT了> 31. black eyed peas - shut up <還是黑眼豆豆,個人最喜歡這首> 32. the beatles – yesterday <甲殼蟲的這首都不知道,找個畫圈圈吧> 33. dana winner - moomlight shadow<有點殤的曲子,是紀念甲殼蟲主唱被槍殺所作> 34. The rain – Samira <此歌是翻唱版本,但比原唱好聽,因為加上了現代電子樂,屬於慢搖> 35. Altynai (Kyrgyz mix) - Nurbek feat. Dia<旋律簡潔、很抒情.是來自吉爾吉斯斯坦的歌曲.歌詞前半段是柯爾克孜語、後半段是俄語> 日本: 1. 火影忍者 - 青鳥 <很有爆發力的聲音,火影迷不可錯過的曲子> 2. 火影忍者 – Wind <有點鄉村音樂的感覺,前奏超好聽的> 3. 高達seed - 焰之扉 <略帶憂傷,但聽了又很有希望的曲子> 4. 高達seed - 深海的孤獨 <憂傷類歌曲> 5. 吸血鬼騎士 - still doll <女歌手聲音很空洞,像斷了線的玩偶> 6. 吸血鬼騎士 - 暗紅色之罪 <男子雙唱,超贊的> 7. 鋼之煉金術師 - 蜂花 <男子單唱,很有沖破力的聲音> 8. 鋼之煉金術師 - 門的對面 <旋律很贊,我經常哼> 9. 鋼之煉金術師 – again <最近迷的曲子> 10. 黑執事 - 黑白之吻 <男子獨唱,很有感覺> 11. 東之伊甸 - falling down <英國搖滾樂隊OASIS演唱> 12. 吸血姬美夕 - 美夕八千夜<略帶蠱惑的旋律> 13. 死亡筆記 - Death Note <搖滾樂隊嗆紅辣椒演唱> 14. 棋魂 - i will be the one <超贊,百聽不厭> 15. 死神 - thank you<我也不知道屬於那種風格,反正很好聽就是了> 16. 死神 - life is like a boat<很勵志的慢歌,難過的時候聽這首總讓想起很多> 17 網球王子 – fly high and sky high<勵志歌,個人覺得是網王里最好聽的> 18. 網球王子 - make you free<這首也很好聽.男女合唱> 19. 網球王子 - Driving Myself<嘿嘿,這首也很贊> 20. 三眼神童 - のブ メラン<小時候看的動畫片,到現在還是很懷念這個旋律> ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ (動漫類) 1龜梨和也,山下智久 - 青春amigo <《野豬大改造》主題曲,舞曲.MV很贊喲!> 2 Westlife - To Be With You <曾是《嫂子19歲》主題曲,輕快風> 3 大冢愛 – peach <《花樣少男少女》主題曲,很陽光很健康的旋律> 4 倉木麻衣、孫燕姿 - tonight i feel close to you <兩地女星合作演唱.還不錯> 5 smile again <《豬豬教室》的插曲,日本某小學小孩子的畢業歌.很鼓勵人> 6金雅中 – maliya <電影《醜女大翻身》的插曲,音很高,但很好聽> 7. hey!say!jump - 真夜中のシャド ボ<也是傑尼斯家族旗下的組合,《廢物老師》的片尾曲> 8七公主 - 牛奶歌 <厄,一首很可愛的歌.看人而定喜不喜歡> 9初音ミク - 甩蔥歌 <厄,初音最有名的一首歌,> 10Never say goodbye <《My girl》的插曲,別說你不知道喲> 內地港台: (推介一些有感覺的歌) 1. 南拳媽媽 - 小時候 <歌詞讓我想起自己的小時候,呵> 2. 張傑 – 天下 <網路游戲《天下2》的主題曲,歌詞講述的莫過於愛美人不愛江山> 3. 王若琳 - I Love You <很經典的情歌,聽著很有感覺> 4. 光光, cK - 飛向別人的床<厄,未成年的別亂聽,歌詞有點,,,> 5. 五月天 - 夜訪吸血鬼 <很喜歡吸血鬼,這首歌唱出了吸血鬼的無奈與悲傷> 6. 范逸臣 - 無樂不作 <電影《海角七號》的插曲,哈,我坐車的時候老愛哼這首> 7. 鍾麗緹 - 好姐妹 <《我的青春誰做主》的片尾曲,聽過沒> 8. 蔡旻佑 - 我可以 <《轉角遇到愛》的插曲,很好的描述了戀愛心情> 9. 范瑋琪 - 一個像夏天一個像秋天<哈,寫的太像我和現在死黨的認識和感覺了> 10. 南拳媽媽 - 下雨天 <南拳媽媽新來女成員的獨唱,聲音狠空洞又帶點女孩的甜> 11. 李雅微 - 我們的紀念 <都點沙啞的聲音,是《放養的星星》的插曲> 12. 張棟梁 - 小烏龜 <《微笑PASTA》的插曲.伴奏是淺淺的吉他,狠情歌> 13. 後弦 - 夏天的味道 <狠歡快陽光的旋律,歌詞也很有趣> 14. 溫嵐 - Say U Love Me <《惡作劇之吻》的片頭曲,溫嵐聲音好甜啊> 15. 許嵩 - 壞孩子 <許嵩那麼多歌我最喜歡這首,貌似是屬於輕音樂> 16. 蔡琴 - 被遺忘的時光 <一聽這首歌我就想起老上海的小巷,歲月沉澱的記憶> 17. 周傑倫 - 止戰之殤 <還是覺得JAY的第一張專輯最好聽,之後的都無法超越,其中尤喜歡這首> 18. 周傑倫 - 最後的戰役 <也是選自他的第一張同名專輯,描寫戰爭的無奈與凄涼> 19. 趙又廷 - 無賴正義 <《痞子英雄》主題曲,可能是看了電視劇的關系,對這首歌很難忘> 20. mc hotdog、侯佩岑、張震岳 - 就讓這首歌<很贊的說唱,最喜歡最後侯佩岑的那段,事實上之前不怎麼喜歡這個人,現在好多了> 21. 生命要繼續 - 黃崇旭 <此歌寫給他因病逝去的女友,很有來由,中間那段很好聽也很激勵人> 如果歌曲好聽滿意請採納o(∩_∩)o...哈哈