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外國電影出現各種動物 2024-10-19 06:21:54
歐美藝術電影大全圖片 2024-10-19 06:20:29
馬永貞電影金城武國語 2024-10-19 06:15:20


發布時間: 2021-05-24 23:20:01

『壹』 求電影《21點》(決戰21點)的英文簡介和影評 他還有別名叫攻陷拉拉斯維加斯 都要英文的!希望有自己寫的


Ben Campbell's dream has always been to go to Harvard Medical School. He is well on his way - he's bright and hard working, which he applies to both his school work and his part-time but low paying job at a men's clothier. In his senior year at M.I.T., he has been accepted to Harvard Medical School, but does not have the $300,000 it will take to finance it. He impresses one of his professors, Mickey Rosa, in class with his quick mind and ability to deal with the issue at hand without letting his emotions take over. Based on that, Mickey invites him into his small but secret society of students that have a system of winning at black jack through counting cards. They play in Vegas on a system of codes, rules and alternate identities, and where each person involved has a very specific role. This offer does not initially interest the straight-laced Ben until he is approached by Jill Taylor, another of those in the group and upon who Ben has a crush. He accepts their offer to be one of the big players on the understanding that he will do it only until he has enough to finance his Harvard ecation. Once Ben gets a taste of the big life, it starts to affect his original plan, including having unforeseen consequences of alienating his closest friends. He is also unaware that a casino security consultant named Cole Williams is on their tail, Williams who is working on his own personal agenda. Ultimately, greed, pride, ego, desperation and revenge all play a role in how involvement in this group affects Ben's life plan.


21, a movie loosely based on a card counting ring created by several MIT students, has its flaws, but overall is an exciting gambling movie.

21 sets up the creation of the ring nicely. The movie lacks the obligatory ll opening of most movies. The real strength of 21, though, is it's plot twists. It has many surprises along the way, and fakes out the viewer so many times, he begins to expect the unexpected. It is all brought together nicely in a well done foot chase in the movie's climax.

Kevin Spacey, being the veteran of the cast, is 21's standout. He takes on a number of different persona's throughout the movie and plays them all perfectly. The younger cast members fair almost as well. Jim Sturgess is solid in the lead. He plays his nerdy math student well, but struggles a bit when his character transitions into a Vegas big shot. Also, the underrated Kate Bosworth is good as the co-conspirator/love interest of Sturgess.

21 also succeeds on the writing front. The cast had very good dialog to work with. Spacey gets most of the big lines, and of course he doesn't blow them.

This movie creates an excellent atmosphere. The segments set in casinos and MIT(respectively)feel equally real and vibrant.

21 is not without flaws. The pacing struggles terribly at times. But the movie is still quality entertainment. I would recommend it those who value dialog above all other merits, or who are simply interested in gambling. 21 is one of the rare quality spring movies.

『貳』 電影《決勝21點》最後的結局是什麼













『叄』 電影決戰21點中+1,-1是什麼意思

『肆』 有沒有和決戰21點相似的電影


『伍』 電影《決勝21點》中羊和車的數學問題


『陸』 有一部電影好像是 決戰21點還是攻略21點 是一部老...


『柒』 五一勞動節決戰二十一點電影版在哪可以下載,是不是說賭博的呢好像很好看的樣子哦。Pps上面沒有額i


『捌』 求推薦決勝21點類似好看的外國電影


【導演】約翰·戴爾 John Dahl 編劇 Writer: David Levien ....(written by) & Brian Koppelman ....(written by) 【主演】馬特·達蒙 Matt Damon .... Mike McDermott 愛德華·諾頓 Edward Norton .... Lester 'Worm' Murphy Paul Cicero .... Russian Thug 約翰·托爾托羅 John Turturro .... Joey Knish Ray Iannicelli .... Kenny 格雷琴·莫爾 Gretchen Mol .... Jo 法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen .... Petra

邁克(馬特·達蒙 飾)雖然一直以賭博為生,但他決定洗心革面,脫離賭博生涯。他進入大學法律系就讀,雖然這樣的改變讓他朝成功之路邁進,但這一切都比不上撲克賭局來得驚險刺激。邁克答應他的女友同班同學喬(格雷琴·莫爾 飾)再也不涉足賭場,可當他最要好的朋友渥姆(愛德華·諾頓 飾)出獄投靠他時,邁克不得不重操舊業。渥姆欠黑道一筆錢,邁克必須在最短的時間湊得這筆錢,否則渥姆就要以命抵償。邁克在迫不得已的情況下,只好回到投資回酬最快但風險也最高的賭場。如果在五天內湊不到一萬五千元,他們就會命懸一線,他們能成功嗎 …

『玖』 美國電影《決戰21點》的一首插曲

我同樣找這首歌找了一個下午,聽了原聲大碟,還把電影後面出現的音樂列表一個個搜索的聽了,我可以肯定的表示,要麼是third ear journey 這首歌,要麼電影根本就沒把這段插曲的名字列出來.
因為音樂列表和原聲大碟我都聽了,除了third ear journey 這首歌沒搜索到以外,其他歌曲沒一個是的.

i got a line on you

home great northern

mad pursuit

slipping away axwell vocal mix

the house is rockin

tender buttons

does anybody know

everybody get dangerous

tropical moonlight

again with the subtitles

young folks

third ear journey -performed by carl kaller(就是這一首沒搜索到,網路和Google都找不到)

music is happiness

rito a los angeles

『拾』 一部電影19:10開始,二十一點23結束,這部電影放了多長時間

這部電影放了 兩小時13分鍾,也就是133分鍾。

勤學好問 天天進步!