當前位置:首頁 » 電影劇情 » 我認為這是最恐怖的電影英文
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發布時間: 2023-08-22 06:58:34





第六名:《奪命金字塔》 恐怖指數:★★★


第五名:《科洛弗檔案》 恐怖指數:★★★


第四名:《鬼影實錄》 恐怖指數:★★★☆


第三名:《布萊爾女巫》 恐怖指數:★★★★


第二名:《死亡錄像》 恐怖指數:★★★★★


第一名:《靈異咒》 恐怖指數:★★★★★


② 介紹最恐怖的影片!

1. 活跳屍(Re-Animator):製片人布里安.尤茲納,導演斯圖爾特.戈登。
2. 活跳屍(二):導演布里安.尤茲納。
3. 活魔人(From Beyond 1986):導演布里安.尤茲納。
4. 養鬼吃人(系列):迄今已拍7集,以一、二、三集最有價值。一、二集導克里夫.貝克。
5. 群屍玩過界:導演彼得.傑克遜,這是他才華盡顯的成功之作(他就是《魔戒3之王者歸來》的導演)。
6. 德州鏈鋸殺人狂(系列):托比.胡伯的成功之作,該系列共四集,後三集具有一定價值。
7. 幽浮魔點:查克.拉塞爾的早期名作,1988年公映,對50年代舊作的翻拍。
8. 鬼驅人(系列):托比.胡伯與斯匹爾伯格打造的名作。後又續出兩集。
9. 美國人狼在倫敦:又稱鬼追人、人狼咬嘩鬼,人狼題材中的經典,悲劇。
10. 猛鬼街(系列):名導韋斯.卡拉文的驚世之作,以一、二、三集最好,四、五、六、七集雖遜色,但絕對值得全部收齊。而且幾個名導均涉入其中,該系列片成了他們在恐怖片領域的演軍之所,如查克.拉塞爾(三集)、雷尼.哈林(四集)、史蒂芬.霍普金斯(五集)。
11. 黑色星期五(系列):迄今共十集,該系列片仁者見仁,智者見智,毀譽參半。該片也譯為《太兇殺人狂》。
12. 月光光心慌慌(系列):迄今共八集,名導約翰.卡朋特是始作俑者。它潛移默化影響了一批以兇殺案為主題的恐怖片。
13. 閃靈:庫導的大作,不收遺憾終生!!!!!
14. 夢幻殺人檔案:克里夫.貝克風格的作品。
15. 驅魔人(系列):共三集,第一集絕對經典!宗教色彩濃厚,二、三集價值不大。
16. 人狼(系列):八十年代的人狼系列片,是人狼類恐怖片的全面教材之作。共六集。
17. 嘩鬼番生(系列):又叫靈魔翻生、生人迴避。活死人題材的經典,比喬治.羅梅羅的僵屍電 影要活潑得多,共三集,一、二集強調特技,第三集由布里安.尤茲納執導,特技+情感,還感動了不少人!
18. 差品味:彼得.傑克遜的作品。
19. 烈血海底城:屬於變異生物類的恐怖片。第一滴血續集的導演喬治.卡斯梅托的作品。
20. 地獄之城:義大利導演Lucio Fulci之作,該導演特色有二:故事發生地總在外國,以美國居多;有刺激人消化道之作用!
21. The beyond:譯名不詳,前述導演的作品。
22. 僵屍(系列):原名ZOMBIE,共四集。Lucio Fulci是始作俑者,第一集最為經典。
23. 喪屍出籠:喬治.羅梅羅的作品,此君的電影適合給Micheal Jackson作MTV背景用。 該片一度被奸商作為電影版的《生化危機》出售。
24. 死亡的黎明:喬治.羅梅羅的另一代表作。
25. 惡夜僵屍:喬治.羅梅羅僵屍電影的得意之作,1968、1990共拍了兩次。
26. 天魔回魂:約翰.卡朋特的宗教類恐怖片,觀眾需要知道一些基督教內容,是一部在科學與宗教中作妥協的產物,符合八十年代的科學宗教之風。
27. 變種夜魔:克里夫.貝克的作品,名導大衛.克羅南伯格在片中飾一殺人犯。
28. 撒旦回歸(系列):共三集,也是宗教類恐怖片。
29. 鬼娃回魂:鬼娃新娘共四集。頗具特色,獨樹一幟,確立了一種以玩具為主角的恐怖片類型,開創了此類低成本片的先河,有一批追捧者。一、二集最好!尤其是第二集!特技+情節不錯!
30. 惡魔玩具:鬼娃回魂的成功仿製品。
31. 突變第三型:80年代至今,是未知生物、外星生物(異形)的風摩期,約翰.卡朋特的這一作品較好地趕上這一潮流。
32. 穿梭猛鬼城(系列):宗教類恐怖片。
33. 闖錯鬼門關(系列):即children of the corn,邪 教題材恐怖片。
34. 試管人魔:與「蒼蠅"要反映的主題類似,人類永遠不要充當上帝的角色,否則只能作孽!
35. 異形怪體:經典片,多次重拍,最近一次是1993年,導演斯圖爾特.戈登。
36. 夜夜破膽:布里安.尤茲納95年的宗教類恐怖片。
37. 魔鬼牙醫(系列):布里安.尤茲納作品,心理扭曲的世界的真實反映,兩集。
38. 奪命凶眼(系列):大衛.克里羅南伯格開的頭。共三集。
39. 食人族:屬人類學題材的恐怖片,真實性不容置疑。另一部叫 Eaten Alive 也屬於此類。
40. 螞蟻帝國(食人蟻):屬於自然類或生物學類題材恐怖片,十分真實!
41. 驚異大魔繭(食人巨蚊):生物學類題材的誇張,看起來像幾億年前一米多長的古蜻蜓。
42. 蛞蝓之災:生物學類題材恐怖片。
43. 種子人魔:類似「異形怪體"。
44. 變種DNA(系列):生物學類題材恐怖片的又一誇張之作。共三集。
45. 破繭天魔(系列):共四集,韋斯.卡拉文始作俑。
46. 殺出個黎明(系列):共三集,塔倫蒂諾的鬼才之作!酷到極點!
47. 夜半鬼敲門(系列):共二集。史蒂芬.金的作品。
48. 舐血夜魔:史蒂芬.金的悲劇恐怖片,主題曲是ENYA的作品,回味無窮!!!
49. 喪屍特警:活死人題材的佳作。
50. 變形戰士:擦「異形"邊的仿製品,槍戰場面不少。
51. 蛇妖:白面小生休.格蘭特的作品,英倫風味重。
52. 從死亡歸來(BACK FROM THE DEAD):與《群屍玩過界》類似,絕對刺激視覺與心理防線!
53. 人玩鬼(系列):又譯《屍變》,影片中描述了屍體腐爛的千變萬化,即惡心又恐怖。共三集。
54. 割人狂醫:與「魔鬼牙醫"一個類型。
55. 狂犬病:大衛.克羅南伯格的作品。
56. 變種血魔:布里安.尤茲納的作品,生物類題材。
57. 恐怖南瓜頭(系列):美國地域式的恐怖片,共四集。
58. 曼哈頓的嬰兒:Lucio Fulci的作品。
59. 守墓屋:Lucio Fulci的作品,義大利式僵屍。
60. 變種女郎:一部優秀的人狼題材作品。
61. 殺手的肖像(系列):共二集。**殺人的真實描寫!實在是殺人不眨眼!!!
62. 活死人的孩子:最新的活死人電影!
63. 血腥聖誕夜(系列):又稱超魔空間,邪 教題材恐怖片,共四集。
64. C、H、U、D(系列):紐約地下生存的變異生物殺人的故事。
65. 蜘蛛島:布里安.尤茲納2001年的作品。
66. 食人巨鱷(系列):共三集。自然類恐怖片。
67. 小強風暴:原稱they nest ,自然類恐怖片。
68. 蝙蝠:自然類恐怖片。
69. 梯下亡魂:精神不正常的人離遠些為妙!此片是警示。韋斯.卡拉文的作品。
70. 鐵血人狼:另類人狼的作品。
71. 神鬼大反撲:韋斯.卡拉文的吸血鬼題材作品,不錯!不拖泥帶水。
72. 墓穴怪談(系列):該系列電影每一集均由二、三個獨立小故事組成,題材廣泛。其中有一集是施瓦辛格任導演。
73. 猛鼠食人城:生物變異的題材。
74. 猛鬼屋逐個捉:50年代老片重拍。澤梅基斯任製片人,可見此片重要性。
75. 鬼入侵(The Haunting):與《猛鬼屋逐個捉》題材相同。音效優異。又稱「鬼屋凶靈"。
76. 瘦到死:史蒂芬.金的作品。
77. 深海狂鯊:生物變異的題材。雷尼.哈林的作品。
78. 魔鬼醫院:**醫生用活人作試驗的恐怖故事。
79. 看夜更:丹麥的一部沖入美國市場較為成功的恐怖片。
80. 魔女佳麗(系列):共兩集,人體特異功能式的恐怖片,復仇至上。
81. 血屍夜/惡夜之吻(黑夜臨近):比爾.派克斯頓演的一部僵屍類恐怖片,人物刻劃得不錯。
82. 隔離屋有鬼:80年代的片子,屬於「小魔怪"式的恐怖片。
83. 我知道你去年夏天幹了什麼(系列):兩集。《月光光心慌慌》的追捧作。
84. 奪命狂呼(系列):三集。又譯《驚聲尖叫》。第一集最好。
85. 猛鬼學校(大學舞會之夜):四集。英文名:Prom Night 。80年代的作品,類似魔女佳麗。
86. 大白鯊:共四集。斯皮爾伯格始作俑。第一集不錯,二、三也可。
87. 凶兆:共四集。類似大法師,宗教氣氛彌漫。
88. 行屍女郎:Living Dead Girl。活死人題材。
89. 深海異形:自然類題材恐怖片。
90. 不可思議的勾魂事件:彼得.傑克遜到美國後的第一部作品,有些喜劇色彩。
91. 巫毒教:神秘邪 教使死人復活的題材。
92. 禁入魔鏡(系列):共三集。
93. 捉妖小天師:少年兒童也能驅除邪怪。影片里出現了弗蘭肯人狼、CHUD、木乃伊,吸血鬼等鬼怪。
巨蛙:自然類題材。 . 巨蛙鎮:變異人統治未來的題材。
追命傳說(系列):三集。自然+宗教類題材 A Film by Carroll McKane 太多了LZ自己去找吧^^

③ 恐怖片的英文翻譯

fright flick就是「恐怖片」,也可以用horror film/movie類表示。Fright一詞大家很熟悉,是「驚嚇、恐怖」的意思。Flick是口語,意思是「電影,影片」。例如:action flick(動作片),play a role in the flick(在電影中扮演一個角色)。The flicks則是電影的總稱,有時也指「電影院」。例如:What』s on at the flicks tonight?(今晚電影院放映什麼影片?)又如:Fancy a night at the flicks?(晚上想去看電影嗎?)
Fl還可以和其他詞相組合,表示各種類型的影片。例如「喜劇片」是comic flick,「科幻片」是science fiction flick。Chick flick則是針對女性觀眾的浪漫喜劇或文藝愛情片。

④ 我最喜歡的電影種類是恐怖片用英語怎麼說

My favorite kind of movie is dracula movie .

The kind of movie which I love most is dracula movie .

The dracula movie is the right style I love most.


⑤ 初一英語; 根據提示翻譯下列句子。 1、我認為恐怖片很可怕。 2、我的爸爸很風趣,他喜歡有趣的喜劇片。

1.I think horror films are terrible,
2.My father is humorous,he likes funny comedy.
3.Action movie makes people exciting, but this film is too sad.
4.What do you learn about English?
5.The film which I like best is Rush Hour.
6.Tom and his father are going to watch documentary.
7.What are you doing on the weekend?
8.That film is too boring,I don't like it,
9.Ziyi Zhang is a successful actress.


⑥ 有關恐怖電影的英語作文 也要漢語翻譯

Firstly, let's go back some 45 years to 1968 to a black-and-white film, loosely based on the sci-fi novel "I Am Legend". A brother and sister travel to the countryside to visit their father's grave. After a series of bizarre attacks, the sister takes shelter in a farmhouse which is soon surrounded by the reanimated dead, or zombies as they were later known. George A. Romero's film "Night of the Living Dead" was initially controversial, too gruesome, then lauded as a success and social commentary. And the director went on to make it a series of six each nodding to contemporary concerns, big consumerism or economic division. Horror to me was always, an author of somehow upsetting the applecart of life. And it seemed to me that at the end, people always set it upright again. And we didn't wanna do that. We wanna just sort of leave it upset. So the events in "Night of the Living Dead" in fact are tragic events. And it's all about misunderstanding and people who behave stupidly, and faced with something that's really could be disastrous. The dead are coming back to life, all over the world. And what I wanted to say is that they all just concerned about their own little petty interests, instead of dealing with the problem.
首先,讓我們回到45年前的1968年。這部電影由名為《我是傳奇》的科幻小說改編而成,故事一對兄妹來到鄉下給父親掃墓,卻遭受一系列怪異的襲擊。之後,妹妹躲進了一間農舍避難,但很快房子就被一群活死人(後被稱作僵屍)包圍。喬治·A·羅梅羅的影片《活死人之夜》 在上映之初因其恐怖的場面飽受非議,後來被視為一部成功的影片,是對社會的批判。接著,這位導演繼續創作了這一系列電影的另外五部,均反映了當代社會人們的擔憂、消費主義或經濟分工問題。 對於我而言,恐懼是打亂生活安排的始作俑者。我覺得,到最後人們總是能自我恢復,但我們並不想這樣,我們想讓這種不安感延續下去。因此,《活死人之夜》其實是一部悲劇。整部影片充斥著誤解,以及面對災難做出愚蠢行為的人。全世界的死人都活過來了。他們根本沒有想辦法去解決問題,反而只關心自己雞毛蒜皮的小事。

⑦ 恐怖電影的英文影評

以下是以下是 電影十三度凶間的影評 擔不是純恐怖片The following are among the film 13 degrees fierce critics fear is not a pure horror film
We exist because we think we exist. We manipulated the dolls have fun in the play, but I do not know whether someone is manipulating us, while we know nothing about. "Matrix" of creativity has been recognized as derived from the film . "13 degrees between fierce," from the outset, the viewer's heart closely, who killed Fuller? Douglas? As they like, a chain, they have created a virtual world, can Who would have thought the game itself is someone else's doll, his cruise in the virtual world, but manipulated by others are unsure. When one day we discovered the truth, we will not fear ... ... the film set suspense, science fiction, murder in one, while infiltration of the reality of human living space and virtual thinking is absolutely unique Feature Movies. This is a large list 羅蘭艾默里克 (Roland Emmerich) making science fiction films, and he directed most of the science fiction film than (Godzilla, what the day after tomorrow), this is one of the most content Department, and most not in effect as the main selling point of the film, said that box office was not successful, but still can not deny the participation of top stars is unsuccessful film, after all, in thinking of those who have gone beyond the director of the explosion of his own m spent a science fiction

This is a self-al awareness regarding human to explore the deep meaning of human existence, science fiction movies, including some of the characteristics of the thriller.

Film began as two lines of subtitles:
"I think, therefore I am.
Reno Descartes 1596-1960 "

Want to come we all know this is a French mathematician and philosopher Descartes's philosophy: "I think therefore I am." This is the story have to say.

Story began in the United States thirty or forty years, an old gentleman wrote a letter, found some things that may lead to fatal disaster, the letter he left a bar bartender, told the bartender Members will have a named person will come to gain the trust of Douglas, then a strange thing happened, the old gentleman had just experienced a similar virtual reality travel in general, return to the reality of 90 years, then suddenly the old gentleman kill, and all the suspects are concentrated in the old gentleman's study
Partners who Douglas.

They are building the virtual world has tens of thousands of independent record of the character most people as real people, in Douglas returned to the system in the old gentleman wanted to be left in the letter, to serve their own cleared when charges, but also found incredible things, bartender secretly open the letter of the old gentleman found his own is the virtual world of virtual characters, although very full and rich emotional life, but he, like other virtual characters, but a bunch of circuits and electronic signals. He was outraged.

The situation continues developing, Douglas found himself in the world is a virtual world, a virtual world technologies to develop their own virtual world only. Even worse, Douglas, and one from the creator of his world's woman of the world fell in love ... ...

I would like everyone reading this is not the film will not help but suspect that our world will not only intelligent beings of some kind of plaything and no more?

But if that is the case, what relationship? If our creator did not come to disturb us, we still had the same crash and lives above the Creator if we can imagine his ability to interfere in our civilization, we can think of some supernatural phenomenon, but Bale . Some day, God fed up to unplug the computer, and I think this is the end of our universe. 我們在操縱著玩偶盡興的玩樂,卻不知是否有人在操縱著我們,而我們卻一無所知。《黑客帝國》的創意已經公認是從本片抄襲而得。《十三度凶間》從一開始就緊扣觀者的心,誰殺了富勒?道格拉斯?像又不像,環環相扣,自己創造了一個虛擬世界,可誰又想得到,自己卻是別人游戲里的玩偶,自己在虛擬世界中游弋,卻又被別人操縱著卻茫然不知。當有一天我們發現了真相,我們會不會恐懼……本片集懸念、科幻、兇殺於一體,同時滲透對人類生存空間的現實與虛擬的思考,絕對是難得的佳片。 這是一部大片導演羅蘭·艾默里克(Roland Emmerich)製做的科幻片,和他導演的大部分科幻片相比(哥斯拉、後天什麼的),這部是最有內涵的一部,也是最不以特效為主要賣點的片子,據說票房並不成功,但是仍然不能說沒有大牌明星的參與就是不成功的片子,畢竟來說,在思想方面者已經超越了他自己導演的爆米花科幻了
「I think, therefore I am.
Reno Descartes 1596-1960」
想來大家都知道這是法國數學家,哲學家笛卡爾的哲學觀點:「 我思故我在」。 這正是這個故事所要說的。
我們存在的因為我們認為我們存在。 咒怨影評Grudge film critic
"Grudge" is the Hanyuan who died under the curse, who were doomed to touch, and create new "Grudge" will continue to spread terror death. Tokyo suburbs have a ghastly ghost house, visiting strange Each will be killed or mysteriously disappeared, the legendary owner of a sudden frenzy of big big hair and chopped his wife before committing suicide, 6-year-old son, and never missing, still missing. House of the resentment within the cupola, terrorist emblem set Ken Sui? Visitors. Best female university physiology (Austrian dishes decorated benefits) e to volunteer accidentally entered within a large house, they discovered a mysterious strange boy suddenly appeared but then disappeared. At this point, good start to experience strange reason, everyone around him has also been implicated in the tragic death of more than one by one, the terrorist thing after another, and endless ... ...

Adds the new Japanese family members of terror

Japanese horror cinema in Asia are still to world cinema occupies an important position, "The Ring" and other classic horror films are branded with the Japanese national character inherent in the film. It is this distinctive national characteristics, and it has long been the de facto mode of movement to maintain a considerable distance. The most significant is that it is not Hollywood movies shown over-reliance on technology, but also not easy to film to achieve the goal of easy to understand way of deliberately seeking concise narrative flow, instead, it uses a relatively primitive film language unique to the Japanese film culture, steady and cool to describe the occurrence of ghost stories. Outstanding performance of artistic conception of the building, suspense, foreshadowing, the audience throughout the story are being led by the nose, with the plot development, psychological tension graally increased, unable to stop. Sadako ("The Ring"), Tomie ("Tomie") and other screen images have madness in Asia, make the audience frightened also surprised. "The Grudge" will be in Japan soon as he painted a large high-profile and reputation on the subject as quickly as they spread terror nationwide, the skin was gray stone, with two empty Sadako boys become the classic horror image after another.

"The Grudge" in the Hollywood screening of a large number of film companies have won the favor, "Spider-Man" director Sen. Remy is claimed that: "I have never seen such a horror movie! Shimizu's horror is not too aggressive Sung, and his unique style of exception; the Hollywood horror film has never reached the level of such state, terrorist Jingxia De viewers no breathing space. "

Shimizu Chong horror film new directors

Shimizu Sung was born in 1972 in Japan, Kinki University, majoring in drama and the arts after graation went to Kyoto alone in the theater as part-time, began writing their own script. , He continued to participate in a number of independent films and theater work. In 1995, his play "sleeping man" when the clothing assistant. He then moved to Tokyo to work as a number of television and video proction freelance assistant director. In 1997 he became assistant director ring the first class admitted to the Tokyo Film School. In 1998 graated from a three-minute video, brought him a golden opportunity, in "The Ring" screenwriter Takahashi foreign and "provoke a ghost loop," the director Blackpool clear height of referrals, he is involved in terrorist Kansai TV play " strange school on G ", fame.

In 1999, Shimizu haunting Video Edition to create two "Grudge" and "The Grudge 2" and popular in Japan released a video released just sold, Who knows just introced in Japan had been startled audience, horror stories of the extent caused by temporary , while the national hot even been highly praised. Chong for clean water, "The Ring" in the Tian Xiufu Japanese horror master evaluation is: "water people I know worship is one of the most stringent, especially for himself. When I saw him on television virgin works it was that piece of the atmosphere of terror and scare scenarios and a unique ending big surprise, he is definitely a master of Japanese horror film. "