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发布时间: 2021-07-20 08:28:24

㈠ 电影:“票房”英文怎么说

[词典] [口] booking office; [口] box office; [旧] a club for amateur performers of Beijing opera; ticket office;
Jurassic Park had broken all box office records.

㈡ 什么是电影之间的关系.明星效应和票房英语作文


……歌迷们谈论起比伯时的那种口吻,更像是在谈论学校里自己暗恋已久的男生。在之前没有任何电视曝光的情况下,比伯却出人意料地把他在网络上积累的超高人气直接转化为市场强劲的购买力。比伯的第一张个人专辑《My world》发行首周,就以13.7万张的销量登上“公告牌专辑榜”第六名,截至目前已经卖出超过100万张。四首单曲《One Time》、《One Less Lonely Girl》、《Favorite Girl》和《Love Me》在专辑发行前也都打入了单曲榜,这些成绩都使比伯成为首位在首张专辑发行前就有多达四首歌打入单曲榜前四十名的艺人。专辑发行后,其中的七首歌全部入榜,歌曲的销售额总和超过330万美元。 比伯的舞台教练瑞恩说:“歌迷们对他很有兴趣,因为他们之前就一直在网络上观看他唱歌的视频。比伯有他自己对音乐的独特感觉。” “比伯效应”在全世界迅速升温,唱片公司趁热打铁。今年3月,刚过完16岁生日的比伯再推新专辑《我的世界2.0》,这张专辑在发行当周就卖出了28.3万张的好成绩,一举登顶,这也是他个人生涯首次拿下公告牌专辑冠军。 “他在网络上的歌迷群太巨大了,我们最大的挑战是如何才能让与我们合作的传统媒体确信这个孩子果真有如此大的魅力。”Island Def Jam音乐集团主管Gabriela Schwartz表示。 有很多艺人,他们在网络上很受关注,但是却没有办法利用网络效应赚钱,但比伯却轻而易举地做到了。歌迷在网络上对比伯的关注也延续到传统媒体中。Top 40 WHTZ 纽约项目主管Sharon Datsur描述了2009年9月比伯做客该电台时的场景:“聊天一开始,整个系统就几乎瘫痪了,我们从未有过做节目时几次被迫中断的情况。”所到之处,比伯总能引起一阵骚乱。好几次歌迷见面会都因为歌迷人数太多、现场失控而临时取消。 曾经,参加电视台的选秀节目成为新人破茧而出的最基本途径。缺少迪斯尼或儿童频道的预热,欠缺《歌舞青春》或《美国偶像》这些高收视率电视节目的上镜经验,都会使一个童星的出道变得举步维艰。于是,人们开始渴求更返璞归真的童星的出现。观众们在问:“能给我们一个真实的少男歌手,而非花枝招展的电视明星吗?” 于是,比伯的出现刚好填补了这个空白。他是被脚踏实地培育出来的,没有电视或电影等与唱歌并行的平台做铺垫,而是实打实以音乐童星的身份横空出世,这本身就更具实力。


㈢ 关于中国和美国电视机交易收入情况的英语作文


㈣ “这部电影很叫座”“这部电影的票房很好。”怎么翻译“票房”怎么翻译

The film draws well

The movie was a box office success

make a box-office record

The film bombed at the box office

【abbr】box office

㈤ 电影票房 英文怎样说谢谢!

ticket office或者是box office是票房的意思。
draw large audiences是卖座的意思。
Film box office list 是电影周票房排行榜的意思

㈥ 用英语介绍一部电影(高一)

如果可以请采纳 谢谢 也可以翻译i想要的电影 英文在下面 中英对照 很辛苦 尽量采纳 出品公司 片名:嫁个有钱人
Hong Kong
2002年2月7日 [编辑本段]演职员表 导演 Director
谷德昭 Vincent Kok
演员 Actor
郑秀文 Sammi Cheng .....Mi
任贤齐 Richie Ren .....Christmas Yan
林海峰 Jan Lamb .....Wilson
胡枫 Fung Woo .....Uncle D (as Fung Wu) [编辑本段]剧情介绍 一颗流星在天空划过,阿me(郑秀文)许愿:“我想嫁个有钱人”,但见流星从远处坠落,地上出现一本名叫《玻璃鞋》的工具书。阿me拾起书,书的内容是以大家耳熟能详的“灰姑娘”故事作为引子。阿me被书中精辟独到的见解所打动,于是一个浪漫喜剧由此开始。
其实,阿诞的不辞而别其实有不可告人的原因,其实阿诞心中万分想念阿me,究竟阿me的“灰姑娘”故事能否延续?童话中的公主能否得到她的幸福玻璃鞋…… [编辑本段]影评评价 谷德昭的《嫁个有钱人》与刘镇伟的《天下无双》、杜琪峰的《呖咕呖咕新年财》并列,成为当年三部强档贺岁影片,并且赢得了不错的票房成绩。灰姑娘的故事一直以来都是爱情电影的经典素材,而此次也是郑秀文和任贤齐继《夏日麽麽茶》后的第二次合作,不过这次显然不如上一次那样和谐,演员各自的实力也不如上一部。而且这部电影的故事过于简单,套路也没有什么新鲜的,喜剧部分不够好笑,爱情部分不够温情。作为一部现代爱情童话,这部电影的一切都着实平平。 Proction company
Release date
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong
February 7, 2002
February 7, 2002
[Edit this paragraph] speech staff of the table
Director Director
Vincent Kok Vincent Kok
Actor Actor
Sammi Cheng Sammi Cheng ..... Mi
Richie Ren Richie Ren ..... Christmas Yan
Jan Lamb Jan Lamb ..... Wilson
Hu Feng Fung Woo ..... Uncle D (as Fung Wu)
[Edit this paragraph] Plot Introction
A meteor across the sky, Ah me (Sammi Cheng) make a wish: "I want to Marry a Rich Man", but see meteors falling from a distance, the ground is there one called "Boli Xie," the tool. A me pick up the book, the contents of the book is familiar to everyone, "Cinderella" story as a prelude. A me was the book touched by incisive insights, so a romantic comedy to begin.
Open the "Boli Xie" That book, A book referred to me in accordance with the steps to prepare for visitors to learn: learning voice, eye contact, facial expressions, conversation, body language, etiquette, for future joined the rank the higher classes.
A me start looking for the rich journey, traveling first-class travel to Europe, because first-class cabin is certainly rich gathering place. Sure enough, the A me A case of a birth (Richie Jen). The two men spent a romantic holiday in Europe, and perhaps made a lifetime commitment. A legend of me on the road found in the crystal Boli Xie, but are costly, A birth promised in any case would be sent to A Boli Xie and well-being of me hands.
Just A me basking in the moment among the fairy tale, A Festival actually walked out and disappeared without a trace. A me apart from the loss of spiritual experience, but also bear the economic losses.
A me back to Hong Kong, was the "High Fidelity" has deeply affected, becoming low self-esteem. But all they took a dramatic turn, Ah me know the city well-known diamond bachelor, more unusual is that he marry me to Afghanistan.
In fact, the A's walked birth has a hidden agenda because, in fact, gave birth to the hearts of extremely A miss A me, A me what the "Cinderella" story can continue? Fairy tale princess in her well-being of the availability of Boli Xie ... ...
[Edit this paragraph] Critics Evaluation
Vincent Kok's "Marry a Rich Man" and Jeffrey Lau's "Chinese Odyssey", Johnnie To's "Fat cushions cracking mutter New Year money" side by side, becoming the 3 thing as the Lunar New Year film, and won a good box office. Cinderella's story has always been a love of classic movie material, but this is Sammi Cheng and Richie Ren Ji "Summer Holiday" after the second round of cooperation, but this apparently is not as good as last time, as a harmonious, actors of their respective strength is not above 1. And the film's story is too simple, routine has nothing fresh, funny comedy part is not enough, love is not enough some warmth. As a modern fairy tale of love, the film's all really flat.

㈦ 为什么今天国产电影这么受欢迎 写一篇英语作文

1. 写作前先想好自己可能会用到的词汇比如:国产电影Chinese film, 《你好,李焕英》 Hi Mom等;
2. 列好提纲:
(1)开头: 谈一下国产电影受欢迎的现象,可以结合《你好,李焕英》来描述。 比如:This winter vacation I watched a hit movie named Hi Mom, the box office of which soared to 5 billion. It got me thinking about rapidly developing Chinese film.
(2) 中间:主要谈为什么如此受欢迎?具体原因因人而异。下面我介绍几点我认为的原因。
a. 经济发展,技术提高。With the development of society and economy, Film technology is also improving with the excellent special effects and the high picture quality.
b. 明星效力。Star power is an important factor. You may follow a movie just because it has actors you like in it.
c. 电影内容。The film subject takes into account the preferences of most people.
(3) 结尾:总结一下对电影发展的希冀。The popularity of domestic films cannot be separated from the joint efforts of the country and the people.

㈧ 求大神翻译成英文: 这部电影首映一周后,票房总共就达到了7000万元。

The movie premiered a week later, the total box office reached 70000000 yuan.

㈨ i like chinese 英语作文 200词

I like Chinese food
Dears,how many chinese foods do you know?I'd like to introce several homely chinese foods.
The first one is noodles.There are many kinds of noodles here.Such as:rolled surface noodles,pulled noodles,cut noodles and fried noodles.All of them are delicious.
The second one is Dumpling.Dumpling,yes,and I bet you must know it.You must have watched the famous Kungfu Panda cartoon movie.These two typical chinese foods are both shown in the movie:noodles and mpling.But we also have another mpling.we have to put them into hot water before they can be eaten ,and we often have them ring our spring festeval.
The third must be chinese fried dishes.There are The Eight Cuisines.Each one has it's own features.
I like chiense foods very much.I hope you like it as well .

I like Chinese movies
Chinese film instry have a kung fu star,his ancestral home in Shandong,enjoys a high reputation and influence in the Chinese world.He and Stephen Chow,Zhou Runfa and said "double Monday into",meaning Hongkong movie box office guarantee.Best action has won the honorary title of Hongkong awards design.He,Jackie Chan.
Chinese film contains a mysterious Chinese culture,I love Jackie Chan,I love Chinese movies.
中国电影界 有一位功夫巨星,他祖籍山东,在华人世界享有极高声望与影响.他与周星驰、周润发并称“双周一成”,意为香港电影的票房保证.多次获得香港金像奖的最佳动作设计名誉称号.他,就是成龙.中国电影蕴含着神秘的中国文化,我喜欢成龙,我喜欢中国电影.
In china,I ofter fo to movies at my leisure time.Among all the Chinese movies,I like Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon best.The movie is adapted from a famous Chinese novel and the story is fantastic.The directoe is from Taiwan.He 's really gifted.And i like all the actors and actresses in the movie.They're from different parts of China,and all of them are popular stars.I like the music in this movie oarticularly.It's very beautiful.You'd better not miss the opportunity to watch this movie.

㈩ 电视和电影的影响 英语作文

The Influence of Television and Movies
There is no doubt that watching television and movies can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored.
One obvious effect of the these media is that watching them inces people to buy certain procts. television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and ecational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. It may make them become dissatisfied with their own lives. Finally, perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see on TV or in the movies.
With the every-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experience.