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回家过年微电影北漂 2025-01-18 18:06:08
微电影东西向洞2 2025-01-18 18:06:06


发布时间: 2021-05-29 22:54:07

Ⅰ 异形契约好看吗豆瓣影评怎么样 剧情介绍有彩蛋吗剧情被剪


异形之父雷德利·斯科特的执导,再度赋予了《异形:契约》以绝佳的惊悚体验,在那贯穿始终的暗黑风格中,《 契约》所为观众开辟的是一个更为恢弘的格局,于此中异形俨然已经成为了电影的配角,而造物主的哲思才是其所致力的沉淀所在。

《异形:契约》将故事背景定位于了《普罗米修斯》的十年之后,在这部电影中,雷德利·斯科特借一艘新的殖民 宇航飞船突发意外为引,随着剧情的推进,这艘宇航飞船上的队员们误入了看似平静,实则危机四伏的死亡星球, 拉开异形序幕的同时,即为观众徐徐道来着太空骑师,也将异形的起源糅合其中,这让电影虽然长达近两个小时 ,但剧情架构上却非常的饱满充沛,作为一名已然年过耄耋之年的老人,仍旧能有如此出色的执行力,不得不让人叹服于雷德利的老当益壮。


那么兼具了惊悚与内在的《异形:契约》是一部无可挑剔的电影吗?其实并不是,为了能令电影营造出步步为营 的惊悚感,电影可谓牺牲了不少逻辑,看着一个个初生牛犊不怕虎般的角色不做死就不会死的死去,其实早已让人洞悉了电影随后的很多套路,而更为尴尬的是纵看全片除了迈克尔·法斯宾德饰演的生化人大卫外,电影也没有再能塑造出一个能去给人留下深刻印象的角色,近乎所有人都只是成为了推动剧情的牺牲品。


Ⅱ 异形契约豆瓣影评 电影详细图解剧情介绍 异形恐怖


Ⅲ 异形:契约影评怎么样 异形:契约电影怎么样好看吗


Ⅳ 求电影《异形》的影评

ALIEN 1979received mixed reviews when it debuted in 1979--largely from science fiction critics, who accused it of being little more than a sort of Friday the 13th in Outer Space, a blood-and-gore horror flick given a futuristic twist via special effects. But while these accusations have more than a little truth, it has been an incredibly influential film--and even today, in the wake of CGI effects, it still holds up extremely, extremely well.

The story is well known: the crew of an interstellar craft responds to what seems a distress signal, only to encounter a remarkably lethal alien life form that boards their ship and sets about picking them off one by one. Some of the special effects are weak (the alien spacecraft and the android "revival" are fairly notorious). There is little in the way of character development, the film has a fairly slow pace, and the story itself is predictable; you can usually guess who is going to die next.

BUT. The art designs are incredible: the entire look of the film, from the commercial nature of the spacecraft to the iconographic alien itself (brilliantly envisioned by Giger) is right on the money. Director Ridley Scott encouraged his cast to ad lib from the script, and the result is a shocking sense of realism--and the somewhat slow pace of the film and the predictability of the story gives it a sense of relentless and ever-mounting paranoia that is greatly enhanced by the tight sets and camera set-ups. With its odd mixture of womb-like organics and cold mechanics, ALIEN is a film calculated to send even the most slightly claustrophobic viewer into a fit of hysteria.

The entire cast, led by Tom Skerrit and Sigorney Weaver, is very, very good--and the film abounds with memorable images and scenes ranging from John Hurt's encounter with the alien egg to Skerrit's search of the ship air cts to Weaver's terrifying race against time as the ship counts down to self-destruct. Seldom has any film been so consistent in design, cast, direction, and out-and-out fear factor, and although certain aspects of ALIEN are open to legitimate criticism the end result is powerful enough to bring it in at a full five stars. A word of warning, however: you'll need to send the kids to bed for this one. And you'll probably be up half the night afterward yourself! Recommended.

Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer

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Ⅳ 电影异形契约好看吗口碑豆瓣评价怎么样

类型:科幻 / 惊悚

Ⅵ 异形契约好看吗豆瓣影评怎么样 异形契约恐怖吗异形

豆瓣7.4分!应该可以吧…… 至少比异性觉醒好看!现在网上是枪版 但是这个电影我没去影院看!!因为中国还没上映枪版早都出来了……没兴趣了

Ⅶ 异形部的 影评
