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发布时间: 2023-08-24 00:26:36

⑴ 怎么用英语介绍日本电影《情书》求助。。

Japan" image author" in Shunji Iwai's classic movie. The movie narrated a letter was sent to the kingdom of heaven out of grief and love letters, but big surprise received the namesake reply, and graally digging out a deep for many years but always silent pure unrequited love, after the case is entirely cleared. The past and present love winding out a beautiful love love love. " Love letter" is inspired by the Lingmuqingshun1959 self-titled video" Love Letter". Shunji Iwai thought that memories are pushing yourself a better man. Most people think that the past is the past, now is now, they are no relation. A time, remember the past, we will find some past and present involvement, in turn influence of their own now.
日本“映像作家”岩井俊二所导演的经典电影。电影叙述一封原本出于哀思而寄往天国的情书,却大出意料收到同名同姓的回信,并且逐渐挖掘出一段深埋多年却始终沉静的纯真单恋,真相大白之后前尘往事与今时爱恋缠绕出了一段痴情凄美的挚爱情深。《情书》的灵感来自铃木清顺1959年的同名短片《Love Letter》。岩井俊二认为回忆是推动自己的一大原动力。一般人以为过去是过去,现在是现在,两者互无关系。某个时机,回忆起过去的事情,自然会发现一些过去与现在的连带关系,反过来影响了现在的自己。

⑵ 寻求咒怨电影的英文介绍

Ju-on: The Grudge (呪怨 ,Juon?) is a 2003 Japanese "J-Horror" film, written and directed by Takashi Shimizu. The film is the third entry in the Ju-on series and is the first film theatrically released (the first two entries were direct to video proctions). The film was released in Japan on January 25, 2003 and has spawned several sequels and an American remake titled The Grudge which was released in 2004.

It is said in Japan that when someone dies in extreme sorrow or rage, the emotion remains and can leave a stain upon that place. Death becomes a part of that place, killing everything it touches.Once it sees you, it never lets go.


Rika (理佳 ?)
Rika is a volunteer social worker charged with caring for Tokunaga Sachie, a catatonic elderly lady. She discovers the quiet suburban home in a state of disarray and her ward malnourished and soiled, with no one else home. While vacuuming she finds a family picture with the wife's face cut out. Upstairs she hears shuffling noises coming from the bedroom closet, which has been taped shut. Rika removes the tape and opens the door when she hears meowing sounds. Inside the closet she discovers a black cat and a young boy whom she recognizes from the photo. She calls the welfare center to report the incident. She hangs up and is startled to see the boy staring down at her from the upstairs balcony. She asks his name. "Toshio," is his reply. Murmuring from Sachie's room draws Rika's attention. Rika attempts to calm Sachie, but is frightened by the sudden appearance of a dark shadow descending upon them. A pair of eyes appear within the shadow, which open and stare directly at Rika, who then faints. Toshio is seen standing over her.

[edit] Katsuya (胜也 ?)
Kazumi, Katsuya's wife and Sachie's daughter-in-law, cannot sleep at night because of what she presumes to be Sachie's restless stirring. Kazumi reminds her husband as he leaves for work that his sister, Hitomi, is expected for dinner. She falls asleep on the couch and is startled awake. At first she assumes that it was Sachie, but soon sees a pair of fresh handprints on the door. She discovers a black cat on the stairs. When she approaches, a pair of small pale arms reach out and take the cat, which scares Kazumi.

Katsuya comes home to find his wife lying on the bed unable to move or speak. As he goes for the phone, he senses another presence in the room and soon encounters the boy, Toshio. Katsuya asks who he is, but gets no reply as the closet doors begin to shake and his wife's condition worsens.

Hitomi arrives for dinner only to find her brother sitting on the stairs behaving strangely and muttering something about a child that isn't his. She asks about Kazumi, but Katsuya will not say what became of her. Katsuya pushes Hitomi outside and tells her to go home.

[edit] Hitomi (仁美 ?)
Hitomi is one of the last people to leave the office building. She unsuccessfully attempts to call her brother on her way out. On her way out, she hears strange shuffling sounds in the corridor, which seem to be coming from behind her. Slightly unnerved, Hitomi stops in the ladies room, where her phone rings and identifies the caller as her brother. When she answers, a terrible death rattle sounds is heard coming from the mobile phone. In the stall next to her a provoking banging begins, Hitomi apologizes and hangs up the phone. A small teddy bear ornament falls from her purse as she begins to leave the bathroom. As Hitomi reaches for it the next door stall opens and an ethereal curtain of black hair moves ominously toward her making the same death rattle noise she heard ring the mobile phone call. Hitomi runs to the security office and asks a security guard to investigate. She observes him, via a surveillance monitor in the security office, as he goes stops at the bathroom door the video camera footage begins to pick up little interference and a dark shadow emerges from under the door guiding the security guard into the room. Hitomi makes a hasty retreat to her apartment. At her home the phone rings and it ends up being her "brother" claiming to have forgotten the apartment number. Hitomi tells him the number, which is several stories up, and buzzes him into the building. Before she could hang up the phone her doorbell rings. She looks through the peephole and it's her "brother". She opens the door to nothing but an empty hallway, the death rattle sound comes loudly from the phone still in her hand. Hitomi quickly throws the phone on the hallway floor and heads back into her apartment, turns on the television, and cowers under the covers of her bed. The news is on but while the reporter is reporting the television picture and audio become distorted, the face warps into a phantom like image and the audio emits the death rattle sound and the television shuts itself off. Petrified, she continues to hide in her bed. Shortly after, she feels something strange in the bed and pulls it out, it's the teddy bear ornament that fell from her purse back at work. A human-shaped lump manifests from beneath the covers at the far end of the bed. Hitomi lifts the sheet to see the female ghost, who quickly pulls Hitomi towards her. A full shot of the room is seen and both the ghost and Hitomi are now gone.

[edit] Toyama (远山 ?)
When Rika does not return to the care center, her boss, Hirohashi, goes to the house to check on her. He finds Sachie dead and Rika in a state of shock. Detectives attempt to locate Katsuya by calling his cell phone. They hear ringing coming from upstairs and track the sound to the attic. There they find the bodies of the young couple living there, Katsuya and Kazumi. They also find out that every family that had lived in the house either died or disappeared. During the investigation, Hirohashi is found dead, and Hitomi is missing. The investigators turn to another detective, Toyama, for answers. Toyama was assigned to the case of a man, Takeo Saeki who had murdered his wife, Kayako, and child, Toshio, in that house years before. Toyama watches the security tape of Hitomi's office building and sees the security guard being consumed by a shadow and Kayako looking directly at the security camera. Convinced that the house is responsible for the rash of disappearances, Toyama goes there with gasoline, intent on burning it to the ground. He has a daughter, Izumi, who was about twelve years old. While inside he experiences a vision of her as a teenager. He is then attacked by Kayako. He manages to escape the house, but the two investigators who came to look for him are not so fortunate.

[edit] Izumi (いづみ ?)
Several years later Izumi is a teenager and her father, Toyama, long since dead - another Ju-on casualty. As Izumi and two friends walk to school, she notices a missing persons poster featuring three of her friends. She was with them the day they disappeared from a house that was rumored to be haunted. Izumi feels guilty because she ran from the house in fear, leaving the others to their fate. At school the girls notice that there are no photos of Izumi from a recent event and complain to their teacher about it.

Izumi's state of mind has been deteriorating since the day they went to that house. She keeps the curtains closed, covers her head with a hood, and clutches a pillow. Her friends visit and are disturbed by Izumi's condition and the strange behavior of her mother. One friend draws the curtain to reveal that the windows are covered with newspaper. Izumi tells them the ghosts of her three missing friends are stalking her, peering at her through the windows. As her friends leave, Izumi's mother tells them her father had exhibited the same behavior before he died.

The girls remember the photos they brought to show Izumi. They understand why the teacher had not posted any photos of Izumi. In every photo, Izumi's eyes were eerily blackened out - as were the eyes of her three missing friends.

Back in her bedroom, Izumi is having a vision of her father. She suddenly wakes to find a scrap of newspaper on the bed and moves quickly to return it to the window. When she pulls the curtain, she sees her three missing friends, pale and grey, staring at her through the gaps in the newspaper. Terrified, she runs from her room, but the ghosts of her friends are in hot pursuit. Izumi runs into a room and attempts to block the doorway, but this does not deter the ghosts. Izumi, in a panic, backs away - right up against the Shinto altar in her house. Suddenly, ghostly hands, belonging to Kayako, emerge from the altar. Kayako proceeds to drag Izumi, kicking and screaming, into the altar as the ghosts of her three friends continue to approach. As the camera zooms in to the altar, the faces of Izumi and her father materialise in the darkness. In the bonus material of the DVD Shimizu explains that he intended on including the same effect happening between the shelves in the room revealing the faces of the three friends, but this idea was dropped because he thought it would either be ridiculed or take away the focus of Izumi's death and place it on the entire group.

Before her death it is made quite clear this takes place years in the future, not only because there is a scene with her father and her as a child, but not long before she dies her mother is watching the news. The report is on the discovery of Rika's dead body.

It is also theorized that she is an unmentioned character in the last vignette of Ju-On: The Curse 2 (the sequel to the telemovie) because it is titled "Saori," who is the name of one of her friends who disappeared in the Saeki house. Saori was the "ringleader" of the group.

[edit] Kayako (伽椰子 ?)
Rika has more or less recovered from the trauma of her experience in the house. She arranges to meet an old friend, Mariko, for lunch. An old man plays peek-a-boo with an unseen person just outside the care center where she still works. Another worker, assuming the man is feeble-minded, tries to join in the game and is rebuffed. The old man resumes his game with his unseen playmate, a sight which makes Rika uneasy. Toshio's reflection is visible in the glass, revealing the identity of the unseen playmate.

While having lunch with Mariko, Rika sees Toshio under the table, panics, and rushes out. Later Rika receives a call from Mariko, concerned over what had happened at lunch. Mariko tells Rika that she is on a home visit for a student who has not been to school. The student's name is Toshio.

Rika quickly realizes that Mariko is in the cursed house. She hurries there, but too late to help as Rika sees Mariko being dragged up into the attic (in the same fashion as Yoko was pulled up in The Grudge US remake). Rika briefly follows Mariko's path and sees Kayako crawling towards her. Rika panics and runs down the stairs to the door, but she runs past a mirror and sees an unfamiliar reflection where her own should be. She covers her face with her hands in the same way that the old man playing peek-a-boo did. Doing so reveals Kayako in the mirror, staring back at her through her fingers. After a frightening vision of Kayako emerging from her chest, Rika hears thumping noises overhead, and realizes that something is coming slowly down the stairs toward her. The ghost of Kayako, the murdered wife, inside a blood-soaked plastic bag is crawling toward her, long black hair covering her face. She seems to be reaching out for help. Rika covers her face with her hands again, and, to her horror, sees herself as Kayako (it is commonly mistaken that she is actually seeing Kayako without the blood, but this is not the case). It is then that Rika comes to the terrible realisation that she is destined to play out the curse.

After this revelation, Kayako disappears. More noises come from the stairs. Rika looks up to see a ghost of a blood-covered Takeo, slowly descending the stairs. As Rika screams, Takeo reaches for her and kills her off-screen (in a deleted scene, her death is shown in more detail - she is killed in exactly the same way as Kayako was).

The scene then fades to shots of the streets - abandoned and littered with 'missing' posters. The body of Rika is then seen, wrapped in a plastic bag, inside the attic. As the camera zooms in on her face, her eyes open and the now-familiar croaking sound like Kayako.

This chapter is presumably set years later, perhaps in the same timeline as the "Izumi" chapter, as evidenced by the news report in that chapter.

⑶ 求日本电影《脑男》英文介绍,关于主要内容的

In a small town in Japan, a series of seemingly random explosion cases occur. Ichiro Suzuki knowns as "Brain Man" is fingered as an accomplice. Midorikawa works on the explosion case.
The mysterious man known as "Brain Man" has outstanding memory, high intelligence and a perfect body, but doesn't seem to have human emotions. Neurosurgeon Mariko Washiya (Yasuko Matsuyuki), who has her own personal trauma, believes that human nature is fundamentally good and tries to save criminals. She then becomes interested in Brain Man and works to uncover the truth. Meanwhile, Detective Chaya (Yosuke Eguchi) tracks down Brain Man.


⑷ 日本电影经典推荐 日本电影介绍




⑸ 日本电影

《大逃杀》(英语:Battle Royale;日语:バトル・ロワイアル;罗马拼音:Batoru Rowaiaru)是改编自日本小说家高见广春原作的同名电影,包括《大逃杀I:东京圣战》(2000年)和《大逃杀II:镇魂歌》(2003年),导演分别为深作欣二及其子深作健太。该作品亦被改编为同名漫画、网页游戏及纸牌游戏。
大逃杀英文名Battle Royale的意思:指的是在美国摔跤界中的WWE(世界职业摔跤)多人对战,在这种比赛模式中,将会有不定数的选手参战,直到最后一名没被击倒的选手,即为比赛中的冠军。作者藉此暗示书中的42名学生为了生存,必须战斗到只剩自己一人的心情。(小说故事中,从头到尾都没有出现BR这段词汇,只有这项游戏的名称「计划」。)


Battle Royale II: Requiem .....(literal English title)
深作健太 Kenta Fukasaku
深作欣二 Kinji Fukasaku
深作健太 Kenta Fukasaku
木田纪生 Norio Kida
高见广春 Koushun Takami .....characters
影片类型:动作 / 剧情
片长:Japan:134 min / Japan:155 min (director's cut)
级别:Finland:K-18 Iceland:16 Japan:R-15 UK:18 Germany:18 Australia:R New Zealand:R18 South Korea:15
七原秋也 Nanahara Shuya (藤原龙也 Fujiwara Tatsuya)
中川典子 Nakagawa Noriko (前田亚季 Maeda Aki)(客串)
北野武 Kitano Taheshi —— 北野老师 Kitano(客串)
加藤夏希——狙击手樱井早纪, 樱井晴哉之姐
西川佑也——战士西 浩介
竹内力—— 教师RIKI
仁科 贵——间宫三曹
龙川 刚——安城一尉


⑹ 用英文介绍一部英文电影,加翻译

"Dog story" the film was in Japan caused a sensation, the prototype of the film Akita Inuyako in 1924 by its ownerUeno Xiumiro to tokyo. Every morning, eight mr.s are at home watching Ueno Xiumiro go to work, and then in the evening went to the vicinity of the Shibuya train station to meet him back home. One night, Ueno Xiumiro and not as usual as home, he had a stroke in the University, rescue invalid died, and never returned to the train station, butHachi still faithfully waiting for him.

"When happiness to knock" out of a successful interpretation on the verge of bankruptcy, wife leaveabjection salesman instriousness and stamina, howgood as single responsibility, to make progress as stock traders, and eventually become famous financial invester

⑺ 请介绍一下日本影片《东京物语》

英文名称:Tokyo Story
别名:Tokyo Monogatari
电影导演:小津安二郎 (Yasujiro Ozu)
笠智众 (Chishu Ryu) ...... Shukishi Hirayama
Chieko Higashiyama ...... Tomi Hirayama
原节子 (Setsuko Hara) ...... Noriko
杉村春子 (Haruko Sugimura) ...... Shige Kaneko
Sô Yamamura ...... Same per
三宅邦子 (Kuniko Mi






⑻ 想要日本电影《情书》的英语简介及获奖记录,英语课要用,不要用翻译器翻译,谢谢,尽量长一点,优美一点

Love Letter is a 1995 Japanese film directed by Shunji Iwai, and starring Miho Nakayama. The main male roles were played by Etsushi Toyokawa as Akiba Shigeru and Takashi Kashiwabara as the male Itsuki Fujii.
Love Letter became a box-office hit in Japan and later in other east Asian countries, most notably South Korea where it was one of the first Japanese films to be shown in cinemas since World War II.
The story is about a love letter sent to her fiance in heaven out of sad memory.Surprisingly, she received a reply from someone with the same name. The correspondence continued. Graally a quietly buried pure unrequited love was uncovered. Then, remeniscence of the past and the love at present intertwined into a poignantly beautiful and passinately deep love.

The film had won:
1996 Japanese Academy Awards - Newcomer of the Year (Miki Sakai)
1996 Japanese Academy Awards - Newcomer of the Year (Takashi Kashiwabara)
1996 Japanese Academy Awards - Most Popular Performer (Etsushi Toyokawa)
1996 Blue Ribbon Awards - Best Actress (Miho Nakayama)
1996 Kinema Junpo Awards – Best Film (Shunji Iwai)
1995 Hochi Film Awards - Best Actress (Miho Nakayama)
1995 Hochi Film Awards - Best Supporting Actor (Etsushi Toyokawa)
1995 Toronto Film Festival - Audience Award